Real estate for rent in Pattaya


Apartments in Pattaya


Apartments for rent

House in Pattaya

At home

Houses for rent

Rent for one month

From 1 month

Properties available for rent from one month

Studio for rent in Pattaya


Studios for rent

One bedroom in Pattaya

1 bedroom

One bedroom property for rent

Two bedrooms in Pattaya

2 bedrooms

Two bedroom property to rent

Duplex apartment in Pattaya

3 + bedrooms

Properties with three or more bedrooms for rent

Housing rental offers in Pattaya

Real estate for rent in Pattaya

Rent real estate in Pattaya is desired by tourists who came to this picturesque resort city for vacation, or by businessmen implementing their projects here. Long-term rent is an actual offer during the year, and there are different types of properties for any budget and term.

Main advantages of long term rentals in Pattaya

  1. Favorable climate due to the city's location in the tropical belt. It is an ideal place for long stays and vacations. You can rent accommodation for any length of time to fully enjoy the warm waters of the Andaman Sea.
  2. Developed infrastructure, including entertainment. This can include shopping centers, working around the clock, nightclubs restaurants with local cuisine, as well as beach entertainment. Pattaya is a dynamic rhythm of fun, festivity and active recreation.
  3. Assortment of cultural events. The city often massively hosts different cultural events in honor of exhibitions, festivals. This creates a peculiar atmosphere for permanent residence.
  4. Growing economy. The economic sector of Thailand is growing steadily, the authorities are investing a lot of money in raising business and investment sphere. Therefore, renting real estate in Pattaya is a promising solution, both for long-term stay and for short-term vacation.

Why are rentals in Pattaya so popular?

Among real estate objects today the most demanded are offers to rent cottages and studio apartments. Such high demand is caused by the following aspects:

  • Convenience and high level of comfort: modern apartments perfectly combine authenticity of local color, minimalist design, affordable cost;
  • close location to the infrastructure: most of the objects are within walking distance to the city center and the main areas with entertainment centers and clubs. This allows the tourist to rent accommodation inexpensively and get convenient access to any infrastructure facilities;
  • Saving the cost of long-term rent compared to booking a hotel room: this choice will be much cheaper than a permanent stay in a hotel, so you can rent an apartment for a month or for a longer period of time;
  • flexible rental terms: most landlords offer loyal terms for the conclusion of rental agreements, so clients can independently choose the terms of use of the service, the most convenient for them;
  • comfortable and stable environment: all objects are rented with furniture, with repair, with the availability of necessary equipment and with access to the Internet, so you can fully feel the home atmosphere and coziness on the shores of the Andaman Sea. 

Professional assistance of experts in choosing apartments

It is difficult to choose a property for rent without knowing the peculiarities of the foreign market. But you can get professional advice from a real estate agency, which will make the process of renting a property easier and much faster.

The experience of agents and the availability of an extensive database of offers will help to find an object taking into account the budget and other requirements of the client. Pattaya today is an ideal place for tourism, all that is left is to choose a property to rent for a long term. And the full support of agency specialists, starting from the search for an option, ending with the conclusion of the contract with the owner, will protect you from fraudulent transactions and significantly save your money.

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