Do you want to invest in real estate in Thailand? Or are you just curious about the meaning of some of the words used in the real estate market? You have come to the right place. The first step of any real estate project is to know the market rules of a particular country.

The purpose of these FAQs is to provide answers to most frequently asked questions about real estate in Thailand and to shed light on the jargon used by agents, developers and other real estate professionals.


One of the questions that foreigners who want to buy property in Thailand may have is the possibility of owning property in this country. And although there are certain limitations, the answer to this question is - Yes, you can own property in Thailand even if you are a foreigner.

For foreigners, full ownership of real estate in apartment buildings is available with a “condominium” license and subject to the established “foreign quota”. This means that you can purchase an apartment or apartments in a building that has the status of a condominium and complies with the requirements of real estate law in Thailand.

However, when it comes to land, houses, or apartment buildings without a condominium license, foreigners cannot own the property in their own name. Instead, they may have legal and secure ownership in the form of a very long term lease of 30 years renewable. These leasehold rights must be registered with the Land Department in order to be legally enforceable.

Thus, if you are a foreigner, you have the opportunity to own property in Thailand, subject to real estate law and the requirements set for each type of property. This allows foreigners to enjoy the benefits of owning property in this beautiful country.

The Land Department of Thailand is an organization that is engaged in the issuance of rights to land, registration of real estate transactions and settlement of issues related to topography and land mapping. To ensure formal and legal legitimacy, local residents and foreigners who carry out real estate transactions in Thailand (including the sale of land, buildings and apartments) usually register these transactions with this institution. With the exception of short-term lease agreements, this is a mandatory requirement.

The condominium is residential complex consisting of several apartments, which receives a “condominium license” before construction begins and has a legal status governed by the condominium law. In Thailand, this law is the “Condominium Law”, which was passed in 1979 and defines the principles of joint ownership in a vertical section. In a condominium, the same rules apply as in common joint ownership: each owner is the full owner of his apartment and co-owner of the common parts. The Condominium Law clearly defines the rules for the use and management of common property.

In 1992, changes were made to the law that allowed foreigners to become full owners of apartments in condominiums, provided that the total area of apartments owned by foreigners does not exceed 49% of the total area of the building. This restriction is called the “Foreign Quota”.

The foreign quota was introduced in order to control the share of foreign owners in condominiums and prevent the real estate market from flooding with foreign investors. However, this rule does not apply to foreign investors wishing to purchase land or real estate other than condominiums.

Condominiums offer many benefits for residents. Firstly, this is a convenient place to live, as they are usually located in the city center or in residential areas with developed infrastructure. Secondly, owning an apartment in a condominium gives you access to shared amenities and services such as a swimming pool, gym, parking and security.

Condominiums also offer the opportunity to generate rental income. Many condominium owners rent out their apartments, which allows them to earn a steady income. Moreover, investing in condominiums with high rental yield potential can be a profitable business.

Condominiums have become a popular choice for those looking for comfortable and convenient accommodation in the city. They offer a unique lifestyle that combines the benefits of collective ownership and individual ownership. Thanks to the strict regulation of the condominium law, residents and owners of apartments in condominiums can be sure of their rights and protection of their interests.

As such, condominiums are a unique type of residential property offering comfort, convenience and investment opportunities. They are becoming more and more popular all over the world, including Thailand, where the condominium law provides clear rules and protection for all stakeholders.
Its 1992 revision gave aliens the right to become full owners of lots in condominiums provided that the total alien-owned lots in the building were less than 49% of the total lots in the building . This is called "Foreign quota ".

The question of the possibility of acquiring a land plot in Thailand causes certain restrictions for foreign citizens. According to the law, only Thai citizens have the right to full ownership of the land, which is confirmed by the title "chanote". However, there are exceptions related to large investments and complex procedures that will not be discussed in detail in this answer.

Despite the restrictions a foreigner can rent a land plot for 30 years registered with the Land Department. In this case, the tenant will indicate the name of the foreigner in the title deed, and this title cannot be canceled without the consent of both parties. However, this right can be legally renewable in accordance with the terms of the contract. In addition, other contractual rights may be negotiated between the landowner and the tenant, allowing, for example, resale or transfer of lease rights and its extension, as well as the possibility of canceling an existing lease and registering a new 30-year lease in the event of a resale.

When buying a house, a foreigner can become the owner of the walls through a building permit issued in his name, which is an additional guarantee. A building may be the subject of a contract of sale, which is registered in the Land Register.

In the event that a foreigner does not have ownership of the land in his own name, he can become a minority shareholder and director of a company legally, which in turn can own the land. However, it is worth noting that the creation of a special company with fictitious Thai shareholders or "nominal holders" for the acquisition of land is an officially illegal practice that is not recommended, although it is still widespread. You can learn more about this in the article “Buying from a Thai company: is it legal?”.

However, a foreigner can be a tenant of a plot of land for a period of 30 years with a registered right with the Land Department (the name of the tenant is written on the back of the title deed), which cannot be revoked. without the consent of both parties. This right is legally renewable (if provided for in the contract). Other contractual rights (in addition to the registered right and renewal) may be entered into between the landowner and the tenant, allowing for, among other things, resale or assignment of the lease and its renewal, sometimes involving cancellation of the existing lease. and registration of a new 30-year lease ("resale") in the event of a "resale".

In the case of the purchase of a house, a foreigner can be the owner of the walls through a building permit, if it is issued in his name, which is an additional security. The structure may be subject to a contract of sale registered in the land register. 

In the absence of ownership of the land in his name, a foreigner may legally be a minority shareholder and director of a company that may own the land. Although this may represent a solution for persons engaged in real economic activity, the creation of special companies to buy land (with fictitious Thai shareholders or "nominee holders") is an officially illegal practice that should not be recommended, although it is still quite widely used in some places. See Buying from a Thai company, is it legal?

The main difference between Leasehold and Freehold is the ownership of the land and the length of time the property is held.

With Leasehold, you acquire the right to lease the land on which the property is located for a fixed period, usually 30 years, with the possibility of renewal. This means that you become the temporary owner of the property, but do not have full ownership of the land. After the lease expires, you may need to renew it again, which may include additional costs. This form of ownership is often used for houses, villas and apartments outside of a condominium or foreign quota.

On the other side, Freehold gives you full ownership property and the land on which it is located. You become a full owner and are not limited in time of ownership of real estate. This is especially important for foreign buyers who are granted ownership. However, there is a limitation when it comes to buying condominiums where foreign buyers are allowed to own no more than 49% of total building area.

In the end, choosing between Leasehold and Freehold depends on your preferences and goals. If full ownership and long-term stability are important to you, then Freehold is the preferred option. However, if temporary property ownership and a more affordable price are right for you, then Leasehold may be the right choice. It is important to study all aspects and rules before making a decision to buy a property.

There is a possibility purchasing real estate in Thailand through a “Thai company”. However, for this a foreigner must become a director and a minority shareholder of the company. According to the requirements, 51% shares must be owned by Thais. Despite this, the director has the ability to control the decision making of the company and therefore the ownership of the land.

This way of owning land is legal, provided that the company has a real business and does not pursue only the purpose of acquiring real estate. It is illegal to create fictitious or silent shareholders for the sole purpose of owning land.

It is legal to own land in this way, but only if the company has a real business and purpose beyond buying the land. Creating a special A company with "fictitious" or "silent" shareholders just to own land is illegal.


The classic option for investing in real estate is an annual lease. Like other countries, you can buy property, furnish it and rent throughout the year, attracting locals, whether Thais or foreigners. However, in order to successfully implement this strategy, you need to have a deep understanding of the market (or go to a reliable agency) to avoid the risk of choosing the wrong place and leaving an empty house. If you do not live in the country, you will also need a reliable rental management agency that will take this task seriously. Also, keep in mind that the net return on investment in properties located in the city center and rented out on an annual basis is not likely to exceed 4% and cannot be guaranteed.

Before deciding on short term rental property, it is important to carefully study all restrictions and requirements established by local laws. You need to make sure that your property complies with all the rules and regulations in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

In addition, it is worth considering that the management of short-term rental properties can be complex and require additional efforts. You must be prepared to constantly monitor and maintain your property and resolve any issues that arise.

However, despite these limitations and difficulties, short-term rentals can be beneficial and profitable. You should carefully study the market and demand for similar properties in your area in order to determine the potential profitability of this type of business.

Finally, remember that in a successful short term rental, providing high quality service and guest comfort is key. This is what can help you stand out from the competition and create a positive reputation that attracts loyal customers.

In conclusion, the decision to rent a property for a short period of time should be made consciously and based on a detailed analysis of the market and your possibilities. Consider all restrictions and requirements, adhere to the law and strive to provide high-quality service to achieve success in this area.

Hotel managed property development offers a safe and legal solution for investors looking for profitable rental opportunities without having to worry about property management.

This concept includes investing in specialized real estate properties that are licensed for hospitality and can be rented out. This type of investment guarantees high returns (up to 10% per year), regular payments (monthly, quarterly or annual) and fixed terms, which are fixed in the contract. The hotel company fully manages the property, including the filling of facilities, interacting with tenants and providing services.

Some programs also offer the option to use your property for free for a few weeks a year (usually 10 days to 4 weeks).


Profit sharing is a process income distributionreceived from the rental of property, between the management company and investors. It is based on various criteria, including how rental income is determined (before or after fees charged by booking sites, before or after fees, etc.).

Individual profit sharing involves the division of income from the rental of a particular apartment between its owner and the management company. However, this distribution can create inequality among investors. Owners who are on site or who have direct control over the management of their apartment may have more room for guaranteed returns than silent investors who find it difficult to track the rental of their apartment as it is not their priority.

Group participation in profits implies an even distribution of all profits received from the rental of property among all investors who own apartments in this property. The total profit is divided in proportion to the amount of investment of each investor.

The optimal profit-sharing model can be chosen depending on the specific conditions and requirements of investors, as well as the level of management and control they wish to exercise over their apartments. It is important to take into account all aspects and make a decision that will be the most fair and beneficial for all parties.

Contractual rental income is a form of investment that allows you to receive a stable rental income your property for rent at a predetermined rate. Whether your property is occupied or not, you will still receive this income. The amount of income is determined by the developer of the contract and can be paid quarterly or monthly, depending on the terms of the contract. Thus, you get a guaranteed rental income, which is confirmed by a written contract.

One advantage of this contractual rental income is the ability to combine it with hotel management programs. In this case, the hotel organization takes over the overall management of the property, including renting (often short term with tourist tenants), maintaining your property, and generating income. This ensures efficient management of your property and additional opportunities for generating rental income.

It is important to note that contractual rental income is a reliable and stable source of income for investors. It allows you to make a profit, even if your property is temporarily not for rent. As such, investing in rental properties with negotiable rental income is an attractive option for those looking for stable and secure investment opportunities.

This cashback method is beneficial for both parties, as it allows the investor to save large amounts of money, which are usually fixed for several years without the possibility of a return on investment. By paying the full cost of the property in advance, the investor receives the opportunity to get back the money paid with a given percentage from the developer until the building is fully completed and handed over. After that, the rental return period begins, which allows the developer to receive additional financing.

Cashback is a win-win system as the investor finances the work and the developer avoids having to borrow at high interest rates. This approach also helps developers reduce risk and improve their financial sustainability. In addition, cashback helps to attract more investors who are interested in getting a quick return on their funds and favorable investment conditions.

Ultimately, cashback is an innovative system that provides mutual benefit to investors and developers, allowing them to effectively manage their finances and achieve successful results in the real estate industry.

A buyback (also known as a buyback) is an agreement between an investor and a developer in which the developer undertakes to buy back the investor's property after a certain period of timespecified in the contract. This is a financial instrument that allows the investor to return their funds and get their property back.

Under a buyback, the developer usually buys the property at the originally agreed price or at a price that may be predetermined in the contract. This allows the investor to get their initial capital back and earn a profit if the buyback price exceeds the original cost.

However, if the investor wishes to buy his property earlier, he must notify the developer in advance and agree on the terms of the buyout. In such a case, the terms of the buyout may be specified in the contract, including the price, terms and other details.

Buybacks are an important tool for investors, especially those who are looking to protect their investments and secure a return on capital. It also provides investors with the flexibility and opportunity to capitalize on rising property values.

In summary, buybacks are a way for investors to get their investment back and earn additional profits by selling their property to a developer. This financial instrument provides stability and reliability in the investment process and is mutually beneficial for both parties.


Condominium Service Fee includes the payment of expenses related to the operation and maintenance of the common parts of the building. This is a mandatory payment obligation for co-owners and is governed by the Condominium Act. Under section 18 of this law, co-owners must jointly cover these costs in accordance with the area they own.

The maintenance fee is expressed as an amount per square metre. However, the specific amount may vary depending on various factors such as the age of the building and the availability of specific equipment. Usually this fee is between 25 and 60 baht per square meter. For convenience, you can use an approximate value of 1€ per square meter or, for example, 75€ per month for a modern 3-room apartment of 75 square meters.

In the case of residential complexes, the rules may be slightly less strict, but the basic principle remains the same. However, the fee calculation is not always based on the area of the land plot alone. It may also take into account the area of building and garden, and sometimes even the type of villa.

The composition of the service charge may vary depending on the specific complex. Some complexes share common areas and private gardens, allowing each owner to maintain their own garden and pool. At the same time, others include these services in the total fee to ensure that the same standards are maintained for all gardens and pools.

A sinking fund is mandatory for certain types of real estate, such as condominiums or co-ops. The owners of such properties pay contributions to the sinking fund to ensure proper maintenance and repair of the building and its common areas.

Amortization fund contributions are usually considered monthly payments that owners pay in addition to payments for ongoing maintenance of the building. These payments are usually calculated based on the size and cost of the building, the expected life of its components, and the upcoming capital costs.

The purpose of a sinking fund is to accumulate enough funds to make emergency repairs or replacements in the future when needed. This avoids sudden ad hoc assessments or borrowing to cover expenses that cannot be covered by current funds.

It is important to note that the sinking fund is owned by an organization or community of owners, not individual property owners. This means that if you sell your property, you will not get your share of the sinking fund back. However, the new owner will be required to pay contributions to the sinking fund in accordance with established rules and regulations.

In Thailand, notary fees when making a property purchase not charged, since in this country there is no profession of a notary. Registration of a transaction in Thailand is carried out directly at the "Land Department" in the presence of both parties or their representatives.

However, if you decide to use a law firm to oversee the resale process and draft contracts, you will have to pay attorney fees. The cost of these services can vary from one firm to another and depend on the type of transaction. Usually, the cost of supporting the procedure for buying and selling real estate by a specialized lawyer in Thailand ranges from 2,000 to 5,000 euros.

In the real estate market in Thailand, agency fees are usually paid by the seller. It means that agent commission already included in the sale price real estate, and the buyer does not bear additional costs for agency services.

Acquisition of real estate in such conditions can be beneficial for the buyer, since he does not have to pay additional agency fees. This can allow the buyer to save money and get the property at a better price.

However, it is important to consider that the specific terms and conditions between the seller and the agent may vary. In some cases, there may be a small commission that can be negotiated between the buyer and seller.

In general, in Thailand, the buyer can count on the absence of additional agency fees and use this factor to their advantage when buying a property. It is important to discuss all terms with the seller and agent in order to secure a better purchase.


In Thailand, income tax is a tax that taxes personal income or companies in accordance with Thai tax laws. It applies to income derived from or sourced in Thailand.

Real estate development companies and/or hotel managers in Thailand can pay investors guaranteed rental income. In some cases, “withholding taxes” may be deducted from this payment amount. Withholding tax rates may vary 3 to 15% depending on the specific situation.

It is important to note that these tax withholdings on guaranteed rental income are specific to Thailand and do not apply to all types of income. They are carried out in accordance with Thai tax rules and laws.

For more detailed information on the application of income tax and withholding taxes in Thailand, it is recommended to contact specialists or official sources in order to obtain up-to-date information and advice in accordance with a particular situation.

Thailand has different tax rates for buying and renting property. The most common withholding tax rate is 3%. It applies to all services, commercial promotions and rewards.

For rent A withholding tax rate of 5%. However, please note that these rates are valid for holders of a fiscal certificate (TIN) in Thailand. For non-residents Thailand and persons without TIN, the tax rate is 15%regardless of the nature of the payment.

With investments In real estate, guaranteed rental income can be considered in two ways. This income is usually declared as rent, in which case a tax of 5%if the investor has a tax ID in Thailand, and 15% otherwise.

However, if the guaranteed income from real estate located hotel managed, is declared as “remuneration, encouragement and other benefit from a commercial action”, then the withholding tax rate will be 3% for persons with a TIN in Thailand. For persons without a TIN, the withholding tax rate on the purchase of real estate will be 15%.

Thus, when buying and renting property in Thailand, it is important to consider the stated tax rates, especially the presence of a tax ID and the specifics of property income.

In Thailand, rental income from invisibility is taxable. A person who receives rental income must declare it to the Thai tax authorities and pay the applicable income tax.

The 2020 income tax scale for rental income is as follows, including deductions:

1. Income up to 150,000 baht - tax rate 0%
2. Income from 150,001 to 300,000 baht - tax rate 5%
3. Income from 300,001 to 500,000 baht - tax rate 10%
4. Income from 500,001 to 750,000 baht - tax rate 15%
5. Income from 750,001 to 1,000,000 baht - tax rate 20%
6. Income from 1,000,001 to 2,000,000 baht - tax rate 25%
7. Income over 2,000,000 baht - tax rate 30%

For residents of Thailand, there are opportunities to account for expenses and deductions associated with rental activities, which can reduce the overall tax base. This may include property maintenance and repair costs, administrative expenses and other related expenses. Appropriate documentation must be provided to support these costs.

For non-residents Thailand applies a flat income tax rate on property rental income of 15%. However, there may be double taxation under international tax treaties, so it is recommended that you consult a professional tax advisor to determine possible exemptions and liabilities.

It is important to note that tax rates and rules may change over time. It is recommended that you seek up-to-date information from the Thai tax authorities or professional tax advisors before engaging in rental activities in Thailand.

In Thailand, when receiving rental income from real estate, an income tax refund procedure is possible if the tax withheld exceeds the amount of the tax liability.

Below are examples to illustrate:

Example 1: Investment of 4,000,000 THB
An investment of 4,000,000 THB in an apartment with a fixed rent of 7% per year (280,000 THB), without a tax ID or a bank account in Thailand, will be subject to withholding tax of 15% (42,000 THB). Thus, the actual income will be 238,000 THB per year.

When registering income with the tax authorities and accounting for personal allowances and expenses, taxable income is 136,000 THB, which is below the minimum threshold of 150,000 THB. This means that income is tax free (or taxed at 0%) and you can claim a full refund of THB42,000 withholding tax.

Example 2: Investment of 8,000,000 THB
An investment of 8,000,000 THB in an apartment with a fixed rent of 7% per year (560,000 THB), without a tax ID or a bank account in Thailand, will be subject to withholding tax of 15% (84,000 THB). Thus, the actual income will be 476,000 THB per year.

When registering income with the tax authorities and accounting for personal allowances and expenses, taxable income is 332,000 THB. According to the tax scale, THB 150,000 is taxed at 5% and THB 32,000 is taxed at 10%. This means you will owe 10,700 THB in taxes. Thus, it is possible to request an income tax refund of 73,300 THB.

In partnership with management companies, ArrivaRent can assist you with the procedure for registering a tax ID for income tax refunds.

Please note that tax rates and rules may change over time. It is recommended that you seek up-to-date information from the Thai tax authorities or professional tax advisors for accurate information on the income tax refund procedure.

Property tax in Thailand is introduced by a new law that came into force in 2020. It replaced the former land and house tax and provides for the taxation of various types of assets, including land, residential property, unoccupied property and rental property.

Rates property tax vary depending on the value of the property and the type of asset. For example, for propertyintended for rent and cost less than 50 million baht, a tax rate of 0.3%. This means that property tax will have a limited impact on net rental yields, reducing it to 6.7% instead of the original 7%.

It is important to note that investors who purchase real estate to rent out are not usually responsible for paying property taxes, as they are not the landowners. However, in some cases, the lease agreement may contain provisions under which the tenant is required to pay property tax.

It is important to note that property tax information may change over time. It is recommended that you consult up-to-date sources or tax advisors to obtain detailed and up-to-date information on property tax in Thailand, taking into account all the nuances and changes in legislation.

Registration fees, also known as "transfer fees", are an integral part of the process of buying property in Leasehold or Freehold. These fees are charged for registering a trade in the Land Department and have different rates depending on the type of property.

When Leasehold, the registration fee rate is 1.1% from the value of the property specified in the lease.

When Freehold, registration fees vary from 5% to 7% from the value of the property. Fees are based on the age of the property and how long the seller has owned it.

To clarify, the exact rates of registration fees can only be provided by a competent authority such as the Land Department or a real estate agency. When buying a property, it is recommended to contact professionals in order to obtain up-to-date information on the amount and procedure for paying registration fees.

In Thailand absent direct property tax. However, local authorities charge a fee for the disposal of household waste, which is the equivalent of a property tax. The amounts of this fee are small and amount to several tens of euros per year.

Thailand's inheritance tax entered only in relation to real estate, if its value exceeds 100 million baht. If the value of the inherited property is below the specified amount, the inheritance tax is not charged.

A law passed in 2015 regulates inheritance tax in Thailand. According to this law, inheritance tax applies only to real estate that is inherited. It is not charged on other types of assets such as cash or securities.

It is important to note that tax rates and rules may change over time, so it is recommended that you contact a qualified lawyer or tax advisor for up-to-date information. They will be able to provide professional assistance and provide detailed information about inheritance tax in Thailand.

If you buy property in Thailand, the question of taxation in your country depends on whether there is a Double Tax Treaty between Thailand and your country. If such an agreement exists, then real estate income will only be taxed in Thailand where the property is located.

However, if your country does not have such an agreement with Thailand or you are a US citizen, you may have to pay taxes in both Thailand and your country. In this case, you are advised to contact the competent authorities and lawyers in your country to learn about the specific rules for the declaration of income abroad and the taxation of real estate.


Resale of real estate in Thailand can be done depending on the type of purchase property.

A. If the property was purchased, That procedure resale will be the most regulated and controlled. In this case, the act of resale consists of the transfer of ownership, including the change of name on the title deed, to the Land Department. It is recommended to contact a lawyer to make sure that the owner is legal and that there are no problems with title documents. A lawyer will also help you draft a sales contract that will define the terms of payment and transfer.

b. If the property is purchased on leasehold, That conditions resale will depend on the lease agreement. The buyer will also need a lawyer to review the terms of the contract and determine the most appropriate resale procedure. When reselling property on leasehold, there are two options: transfer of the remaining lease term to a new buyer or cancellation of the original lease and conclusion of a new lease agreement.

C.Eif the property is purchased through a Thai company with the participation of a foreign shareholder and Thai partners, then procedure resale may include a change of director companies without changing the owner of the land. In this case, ownership does not pass to the Land Department. It is important to contact a lawyer to audit the company and advise the buyer throughout the procedure.

In each of these cases, it is necessary to contact a lawyer to ensure the legality of the procedure and protect the interests of the seller and buyer.

When deciding whether to resell a property, you have several options.

First, you can contact the real estate agency that originally sold you the property. These agencies have the professional skills and experience to help you assess and sell real estate. They can offer in consultation, marketing services and assistance in closing the deal.

Second, if you purchased property from a developer, they may have a resale management service. Developers often have partnerships with real estate agencies that specialize in resales and can help you through the process.

Finally, if you choose not to use a real estate agency, you can resell your property yourself. This may include posting ads on specialized internet portals, using social media to attract potential buyers, and participating in property showings and negotiations.

It is important to consider that with self-resale, you will need to deal with all aspects of the process, including real estate valuation, paperwork, and the conclusion of a sales contract. Pay attention to local laws and requirements to ensure that all procedures are followed correctly.

To maximize the resale potential of your property in Thailand, contacting a real estate agency is recommended. Professionals in this field have the necessary skills and experience to successfully sell your property. Here are some reasons why you should use the services of an agency:

1. Marketing opportunities: The real estate agency has access to various platforms and resources to effectively promote your property. They will be able to present your property to potential buyers using their professional networks and advertising channels.

2. Professional appraisal: The agency will provide an objective appraisal of the value of your property based on market conditions and comparison with similar properties. This will help determine the right selling price to attract interested buyers.

3. Legal support: The real estate agency has experience in legal issues and processes related to the resale of real estate. They will be able to ensure that the paperwork is properly executed and the transaction is carried out in accordance with local laws and requirements.

4. Expert opinion: Real estate agents have in-depth knowledge of the market and can give you valuable advice on how to improve and present your property. They will help you prepare your property for showings so that it attracts potential buyers as much as possible.

5. Save Time and Effort: With a real estate agency, you can focus on your other business while the professionals handle the resale of your property. They will be engaged in the search for buyers, organizing shows and negotiating.

As a result, contacting a real estate agency will help you get the highest possible price for your property and save time and effort. The professional approach and experience of agents will contribute to the successful and safe resale of your property in Thailand.


Thai banks usually do not lend to foreigners or do it with great restrictions. If you are not a permanent resident of Thailand and cannot prove a regular income in the country, the likelihood of obtaining a loan will be low.

Some banks offer financing to foreigners from time to time, but the terms of such offers are usually restrictive. For example, it is possible to provide a loan only for a partial value of the acquired property, and interest rates may be higher than 6%.

If you need financing to buy property in Thailand, it is recommended that you contact international banks or financial institutions that specialize in providing loans to foreigners wishing to purchase property abroad.

The possibility of obtaining a loan from a bank in your country to buy property in Thailand depends on the rules and policies of your bank. Some banks provide such facilities, but they may have strict requirements and conditions.

It is important to note that the loan guarantees requested by your bank for investments abroad may be more stringent compared to investments within your home country. This may include higher levels of documentation, additional security measures and credit checks.

It is recommended that you contact your bank or financial adviser for more information about the possibility of obtaining a loan to buy property in Thailand. They will be able to assess your financial situation and provide specific recommendations and loan terms.

Regardless of the possibility of obtaining a loan from your bank, it is recommended that you have sufficient funds to buy property in Thailand. This will help you be prepared for possible changes in credit conditions or unforeseen circumstances. Our team is ready to help you in choosing and purchasing property in Thailand.


Yes, you can open a bank account in Thailand. For foreigners wishing to open an account, several options are available.

One of the most popular options is to open a savings account. This type of account allows you to get a debit card and requires a small minimum deposit.

It is also possible to open an account in foreign currency. If you are a non-resident, you can open a “non-resident baht” account that allows you to transfer funds to Thailand. This option is especially recommended for those planning to invest in Thailand.

If you are a resident of Thailand, you have two options: opening a savings account with a minimum deposit of THB 500 and a bank card for cash withdrawals, paying bills or online purchases, or opening a current account with a minimum deposit of 10,000 baht and a checkbook.

To open a bank account, you will need certain documents, such as a valid passport, a work or residence permit issued by your country's embassy in Thailand, and an ID card or official document bearing your name if you have tourist or "non-immigrant" status. If you own real estate, a sale or lease agreement can replace a work permit and allow you to open an account in Thailand to receive rent.

It is recommended to contact the bank for exact information on the requirements and procedure for opening a bank account in Thailand.

Yes, making a transfer between your country of residence and Thailand is completely legal. You can freely transfer money between bank accounts in different countries.

To make a transfer, you may need the services of a bank or payment system. You can use the services of international banks or online payment systems that provide the ability to make international money transfers.

When buying a property in Thailand, it is recommended to contact your local bank or Thai bank for information on the procedure and requirements for making transfers in connection with this transaction. You can also turn to specialized brokerage companies that can help with the organization and execution of money transfers as part of a real estate purchase transaction.

It is important to bear in mind that when making international transfers, commissions and exchange rates may be applied, which may vary depending on the chosen payment system or bank. It is recommended to study the terms and compare the offers of different providers in order to choose the most profitable and convenient options for your needs.

Please note that in some cases it may be necessary to provide documents or information about the purpose of the transfer in accordance with local and international regulations and laws in order to comply with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing regulations.

There are several ways to make an international transfer:

1. Bank transferA: You can use the services of your bank in your country. A bank transfer is carried out through an international transfer system such as SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication). This is a reliable way to make a transfer, however fees and currency exchange rates may be higher.

2. Online payment systemsA: There are various online payment systems such as PayPal, TransferWise, Skrill, etc. that offer convenient and fast international transfers. These systems usually offer lower fees and better exchange rates.

3. International brokerage companiesA: Specialized companies such as Western Union and MoneyGram provide international money transfer services. They usually have a wide network of service points and allow the recipient to receive money in cash.

4. Cryptocurrencies: The possibility of using cryptocurrencies for international transfers is also becoming more and more popular. Some payment systems and exchanges offer transfer services for various cryptocurrencies with low fees and fast transactions.

When choosing an international transfer method, it is recommended to take into account commissions, exchange rates, transfer speed and ease of use for you and the recipient. It is also important to make sure that the chosen method complies with the requirements and rules established by international and national organizations and legislation.

Conclusion funds from Thailand and their repatriation to your country possible, and currently, there are various ways to carry out this process.

One popular way is to use bank transfers. You can contact the bank where you have an account in Thailand and request a transfer of funds to your account abroad. This process usually requires filling in the appropriate forms and providing the necessary information, such as the details of the recipient and the purpose of the transfer. The bank may also charge a fee for the transaction.

In addition, there are various payment systems and online services that provide services for international money transfers. These services usually offer convenient ways to make transfers through mobile applications or web interfaces, and may have lower fees compared to banks.

However, it is important to note that when repatriating funds from Thailand to your country, various restrictions, rules and regulations established by international and national financial institutions, as well as local laws, may apply. It is recommended that you contact your bank or payment system to get detailed information about the procedure and requirements for repatriating funds from Thailand to your country.


All information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute official or legal advice. When compiling the article, we tried to provide the most accurate information, but we cannot guarantee its completeness and accuracy. Especially in cases related to property law and taxation, it is recommended to contact specialists and consult with them in each specific case.

We also note that all information in this article may be subject to changes and updates. It is recommended to check the relevance of the information and refer to official sources for the latest updates and advice.

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